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We very much invite communication with you.


About Us


John S. Agatson Actuarial Services is a pension actuarial firm, in business since 1983, with over 60 years of combined experience. We use our expertise to help small business owners navigate through the complex pension rules, to achieve their goals. We find that most business owners are:

  1. Bright in their area of expertise but can be made to feel “dumb” from the complexity of the rules, the terminology of the regulators, lawyers and plan administrators (including many actuaries).
  2. Very busy and find it hard to spend time focusing on pension issues.

We are very aware that just complying with the pension rules is not enough. This is analogous to complying with traffic rules but going in the wrong direction. We work with our clients to help figure out their goals and then lead them through the compliance steps to achieve them.

For more about us you can go to our company website: 




Request a Proposal at

John S. Agatston Actuarial Services, 235 Alpha Drive, Suite 204, Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Phone: 412-967-6240, Fax: 412-774-1670